Living a Sanctified Life

By Prophet Dr. Sam Adebayo

“Everything begins with a thought, and thoughts are turned into plans, and plans into reality.”

‭‭"THEREFORE, SINCE these [great] promises are ours, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from everything that contaminates and defiles body and spirit, and bring [our] consecration to completeness in the [reverential] fear of God." ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭7:1‬ ‭AMPC‬‬.

The word “sanctify” in the Greek means “to set apart,” and the word “sanctification” refers to the setting apart process.

Greek word "hagiasmos" can refer either to a state of being set apart from sin and the world unto God (equating with our initial salvation). Secondly, it can refer to the process by which a saint becomes progressively more set apart to God. Thus sanctification in one use takes place at a moment in time (salvation and synonymous with justification) but in the other use sanctification is a continuous process which is lifelong and terminates only when believers are glorified. The Holy Spirit is the agent in effecting both aspects of sanctification.

Many have said living Holy in this world is not possible but I want to tell you that it is possible to live holy with determination and the grace of God. Romans 12:1-2.

The boy Joseph chose to live holy in the strange land, even when his master’s wife gave him the master key to have access to her body, a gesture many youths of this generation will jump at because they will believe it is a free meal. Joseph said no, he said to her; “how then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God.” Genesis 39:7–10. Joseph feared God and he lived in purity before the purpose and promise of God could come to pass in his life.

The book of Daniel 1:8-21 chose not to defile himself with the king’s choice meal. That is, Daniel and his friends decided not to lower the standard of God, they chose not to bend or amend the instructions and the law of God; the testimony given of them in verses twenty of that bible passage is that in all matters of wisdom and understanding, that the king enquired of them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers that were in all his realm. Holiness and righteous living is another great key to living above limitations in life.

May the Lord sanctify you wholly both your spirit, soul and body in Jesus mighty name!

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