By: Austin Ayes

Sleep is a naturally recurring state of mind and body, characterized by altered consciousness, Most people do not sleep up to 7 hours daily and occasionally experience sleeping problems due to stress, hectic schedules, and other outside influences. However, when these issues begin to occur on a regular basis and interfere with daily life, they may indicate a sleeping disorder.


Sleep keeps us healthy and functioning well. It lets your body and brain repair, restore, and reenergizes itself. If you don't get enough sleep, you might experience side effects like poor memory and focus, weakened immunity, and mood changes. Ongoing sleep deficiency is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke. Most adults need 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night.


Scientists all over the world researched into providing solution to sleep disorders.

In the United States, after a number of years of research, researchers found that the main cause of most infections and diseases is the presence of oxidizing agents in some important parts of the body and low immunity.

They came up with natural, seed and plant based supplements that can help bridge the gap of nutrition deficit. These supplements are mainly antioxidants, antiinflamatory and immune boosters.

These supplements have been tested and now being used worldwide in the treatment of a lot of diseases with a lot of documented testimonials and positive results from. Clients. One of the diseases these suppliments help with is sleep disorders.

The supplements contain naturally occurring seeds and plant that are cold pressed to maintain their natural states so that they are in tune with the physiology of our body system.

Let us look into three of them that will help us a lot with Sleep disorders.


The most basic form of treatment is getting:

1) Getting an adequate amount of sleep, typically 7 to 9 hours each night.

2) By treating the symptoms that comes up

3) By treating the underlying cause of the sleep disorders

Medical treatments

Medical treatment for sleep disturbances might include any of the following:

sleeping pills

melatonin supplements

allergy or cold medication

medications for any underlying health issues

breathing device or surgery (usually for sleep apnea)

a dental guard (usually for teeth grinding)

It is important to note that most medical treatment for sleep disorders are somehow temporary if you have not yet already gotten addicted to the drugs prescribed, wherein you won’t be able to sleep on your own without the use of medication.

Lifestyle changes

Lifestyle adjustments can greatly improve your quality of sleep, especially when they are done along with medical advice and treatments as necessary.

You may want to consider:

Diet; incorporating more vegetables, seeds, fruits and fish into your diet and reducing sugar intake

reducing stress and anxiety,

exercising and stretching

creating and sticking to a regular sleeping schedule
drinking less water before bedtime

limiting your caffeine intake, especially in the late afternoon or evening

decreasing tobacco and alcohol use

eating smaller low carbohydrate meals before bedtime

maintaining a healthy weight based on your body mass Index.

Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day can also significantly improve your sleep quality.

While you might be tempted to sleep in on the weekends, this can make it more difficult to wake up and fall asleep during the workweek.

(To be continued)

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