Written by: Austin Ayes; edited by: Arowoogun Abiola Ade-Ire

You could definitely live better and longer if you read this post about food SEASONINGS.

Seasoning is the process of supplementing food via herbs, spices, salts, and/or sugar, intended to enhance a particular flavour.

In the world all over, all people and cultures have traditional ways of seasoning and spicing up their food with natural ingredients which are far more healthier and even cheaper. These includes their Salt, herbs, or spices added to food to enhance the flavour and taste.

In Africa, the situation was not different.

Prior to the introduction of modern seasoning products to Nigerians, the local locust bean called iru in Yoruba, daddawa in Hausa and ogiri okpe in igbo mixed with cray fish or dried fish was the traditional means of adding flavour and delicacy to the soup. All these mixtures have much medicinal benefits and may have contributed to the long life span and physical fitness enjoyed by our forefathers.

The modern seasoning brands however are poison that silently makes Africans widows or widowers too early.

The modern brands came with the introduction of food seasoning in 1886 by a Swiss named Julius Maggi for low income workers and the poor, who could not afford to balance their diet with meat and fish because they were very expensive to them.

In order to provide a taste of meat and fish to the poor, Julius Maggi introduced the type of seasoning cubes named after himself. In 1886, after the Berlin conference, colonial masters were free to export whatever they produced to their colonies mostly in Africa.This was how Julius Maggi thought that there would be lucrative market in Africa for his product. So he exported and ingeniously launched his advertising there. It began to gain recognition and patronage in 1910.

Modern food seasoning products were not popular in Nigeria until in the early 1970s when it started spreading very fast in the market as neighbours and communities introduced it to one another.The products succeeded because they could be kept longer at higher temperatures and with the possibility of giving a better taste to the cooking whenever used.

Africans began and continue to put it in every dish despite the danger inherent in it. All these modern seasoning brands of products are mostly made of monosodium glutamate, extremely high level of lead nearly seven times above human body needs, transfats LDL, sodium…etc.

Nigeria has continued to witness several brands of the product since its first introduction. In fact, Nigerian and Nigerian based companies soon began to manufacture the brands of the modern killer-seasonings which medical experts condemned as capable of affecting the human liver among other health hazards.

Millions of the Julius Maggi products are sold and consumed every day in Africa such that the company had to expand by creating eleven factories in the region despite warnings of public health risk associated with the products. Women, mostly ladies add as many cubes to their cookings to the extent of the level of sweetness they want the soup to produce.

In many homes, the preparing of "moi moi" (steamed bean paste) akara (fried bean paste), beans, boiling fish etc cannot go without these deadly cubes and wraps nowadays. African foods has the highest test in the world because of this, and so it has shot up our mortality rate.

However, lots of people based on medical advice have wisely abandoned these modern seasoning products mostly in cube wraps and have been using the traditional "iru" or crayfish as alternatives.
Consuming the modern seasoning products in every cooking is akin to increasing cardiovascular risks including hypertension, diabetes and stroke (cerebrovascular). The risk is higher particularly when one advances in age as it weakens the heart functions.

With the consumption of the modern seasoning cubes come erectile disfunction, persistent waist pain and rheumatism.(i.e. Dissolve six cubes in a 750ml of water, give he goat to drink and it can't mate for at least six months.)

The seasoning cubes have been identified as having greater negative consequences on human health than sugar. Unknown to many, the product is primarily the contributing factor in many cases of strokes in Africa because of its continuous mass consumption during the active ages.

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